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Head of PSHE at a large secondary school. These resources are made for mixed ability classes, they have been made in line with the statutory RSE guidelines, as well as taking into consideration OFSTED requirements.

Head of PSHE at a large secondary school. These resources are made for mixed ability classes, they have been made in line with the statutory RSE guidelines, as well as taking into consideration OFSTED requirements.
Aspirations and Goal Setting - KS3

Aspirations and Goal Setting - KS3

A complete presentation on SMART goal setting and aspirations. Including an entry task, main activities and a plenary. Would last 30-40 minutes ideal for form time or could be supplimented with some videos to last an hour. Woudl be suitable for year 7-8 or SEND students.
Friendships - healthy relationships

Friendships - healthy relationships

This is a complete lesson introducing the idea of healthy and unhealthy relationships through friendships. The lesson includes and entry task, main activities and a plenary. The main activities are based around giving advice based on scenarios. Suitable for year 7 and is in line with RSE framework.
Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks

A complete lesson with video links, questions, a choice of activites, entry task and plenary. Lesson could be used in form (removal of final activity) or as a full hour lesson. It covers what energy drinks are and mental and physical health risks of consuming energy drinks. Choice of task at the end to suit different ability classes.
Health - KS3 PSHE

Health - KS3 PSHE

A full lesson looking at what health is and how we can be healthy. The lesson includes an entry task and learning objectives, video with questions, mind map activity, class discussion, case study activity, and a plenary. The lesson could last between 40 minutes to an hour depending on whether the class discussion slides are used.
Social media - KS3

Social media - KS3

A complete lesson looking at the age restrictions of social media and how to keep safe on social media. It also covers the impact social media can have on a young person’s mental health. Suitable for KS3 and the higher end of KS2. Complete with entry task, main activities and a plenary. Could be used in form or as part of Citizenship / PSHE.
Puberty - KS3

Puberty - KS3

A complete lesson covering the changes that happen to boys, girls and both during puberty. The lesson has an entry task (includes a handout), a main sorting activity and a true or false plenary. This lesson is suitable for KS3 or year 6 and has been planned alongside the RSE guidelines.
Mental health - KS3

Mental health - KS3

A full lesson looking at what mental health is, what mental illnesses, how to look after our mental wellbeing and where to go for support (UK). This lesson is structured with entry and plenary tasks, tasks throughout the lesson and class discussions.
Starting secondary school

Starting secondary school

A PSHE, citizenship or form time activity about moving to secondary school. Lesson includes an entry task, main activities and a plenary. Suitable for year 7 students. A complete lesson.
Secondary school transition module (PSHE, Citizenship, Form Time)

Secondary school transition module (PSHE, Citizenship, Form Time)

5 Resources
A complete module on the transition to secondary school planned for year 7 students (KS3), lessons have been planned alongside the statutory guidelines for RSE and cover core content for PSHE. Planned by a PSHE lead with at a “good” Ofsted school. Moving to secondary school Aspirations Friendships (introduction to healthy relationships) Staying safe on social media Puberty Lessons are structured with entry tasks, main activities and plenaries. They are planned to last around 40 minutes and could be easily increased with videos, or class discussions extended to make them 60 minutes.
Keeping Healthy - Full module

Keeping Healthy - Full module

5 Resources
A five lesson module covering aspects of a healthy lifestyle (KS3): What is health? How do we stay physically healthy? How do we look after our mental health? How do we keep healthy mouths? What are the risks of energy drinks? All lessons include: learning objectives, entry task, various tasks throughout, and a plenary. These lessons have been used with a year 7 class during the Christmas --> February half term in a large secondary school and have always had positive student voice.
Looking after our teeth

Looking after our teeth

A year 7 lesson which is part of a keeping healthy modules (full bundle available). This lesson has actually been approved by a dentist as including key points and common problems (e.g. about the bleeding gums). The lesson covers the anatomy of teeth, how to brush teeth, common problems, and also touches on how lots of celebrity teeth aren’t real. The lesson is fully structured so a teacher can pick up and go with it; entry task, various activities and a plenary.
KS4 - Grooming and exploitation PSHE

KS4 - Grooming and exploitation PSHE

This is a lesson planned for the UK RSE curriculum. It covers grooming and exploitation (including CSE). The lesson includes the warning signs and where to report any concerns. The lesson includes an age appropriate video containing a case study of a child who was groomed, students can use this to identify warning signs. The lesson lasts for between 40 minutes and 1 hour.
Keeping (physically) healthy

Keeping (physically) healthy

A lesson designed to focus on physical health only (part of full healthy living bundle). This lesson contains learning objectives, entry task, plenary and various activities and videos. It covers; exercise impacts, diet, avoiding unhealthy habits (smoking and vaping)
Domestic Abuse KS4 lesson

Domestic Abuse KS4 lesson

A complete lesson covering what domestic abuse is, some misconceptions, where to go for support and a case study focusing on a male victim. Entry Task: Questions around football and domestic abuse Misconceptions addressed Case study video with reflection questions True or false quiz Where to go for support This lesson has been planned along side the RSE guidelines for UK schools.


This lesson looks at the impacts of loneliness especially in the 16-24 age group. The lesson includes an entry task, various activities, two videos and a plenary task. Everything needed for the lesson is on the PP. This lesson was planned in 2024 in relation to the guidance suggesting loneliness should be taught in the RSE curriculum.
FGM - female genital mutilation

FGM - female genital mutilation

A full lesson (mostly information) covering the law, the practice and the impacts on the victims of FGM. This lesson has been designed to be part of the RSE curriculum. The lesson includes a video on what FGM is, this is not graphic but age appropriate as well as a video from a victim describing their experience. There are helplines displayed throughout the lesson.